LAST MODIFIED July 10, 2023

Blendr Media LLC (“us,” “we,” or “Company”) is committed to respecting the privacy rights of its visitors and users of this website (the “Site”). We created this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) to give you confidence as you visit and use the Site, and to demonstrate a commitment to fair information practices and the protection of privacy.

(a) Categories of Personally Identifiable Information. We collect personally identifiable information from you only if you sign up for a newsletter or contact us including:

• Your name,
• Your email address, and
• Message details you send with inquiries.

(b) Modification or Removal Process. Please contact us if you wish to modify your information.

(c) Privacy Policy Modifications and Updates. We may update and modify this Privacy Policy. If we modify or update the policy, we will post a notice on the Site for 30 days prior to the change going into effect.

(d) Effective Date: The effective date of this new privacy policy shall be July, 10 2023.

(e) Do Not Track Signals. We do not currently honor “do not track” signals issued by browsers or other third party sources.

(f) Third-Party Tracking: As a matter of transparency, we’ve decided to disclose to you whether third parties can acquire and track your personally identifiable information through our website. Google and other sites listed below can track you through this Site as we use their services for social media and infrastructure purposes. Google participates in the NIA opt out program. You can visit this link to no longer be tracked by Google and Google properties such as Google Plus. You can also visit the following sites to read their privacy policies and how they track individuals across the web:

You can use programs such as Privacy Badger to further control the collection of information regarding you online.

(g) California Eraser Law. We comply with the California eraser law. To the extent you are a minor and wish to have any content you’ve posted to the Site removed, please contact us using the Contact link in the footer of the Site to make the request. Please note the removal of this content from the Site does not mean it will be removed from the web as search engines, archive websites and other platforms may have copied the content in question.

(a) AUTOMATIC COLLECTION. Our servers automatically recognize visitors’ domain names and IP addresses (the number assigned to computers on the Internet). No personal information about you is revealed in this process. The Site may also gather anonymous aggregate “traffic data” that does not personally identify you, but that may be helpful for marketing purposes or for improving the services we offer.

(b) COOKIES. We may use “cookies” to store a small piece of data on your computer during your visit to collect information. The cookies are used to gain information on how you use the web, which we try to incorporate into the Site to improve your experience.

(a) PERSONAL INFORMATION. We will not share your personal information with any third parties without your consent, except as necessary to provide you with the services offered by us or to comply with the law. Examples of such services include, but are not limited to, third parties providing email facilitation and hosting. However, please note that if you leave the Site and purchase a product or service we promote, the company you purchase from will notify us of the purchase as well as certain identifying information for you. We do not share this information with others.

(b) ANONYMOUS INFORMATION. We use anonymous information to analyze our Site traffic. In addition, we may use anonymous IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer our Site, or to display the content according to your preferences. Traffic and transaction information may also be shared with business partners and advertisers on an aggregate and anonymous basis. Your personal information will not be detailed in this aggregate data.

(c) USE OF COOKIES. We use information obtained from cookies to analyze your use of the Site and to make appropriate adjustments.

(d) DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION. We may disclose personal information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to (1) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on Company, (2) protect and defend the rights or property of Company or the users of the Site, or (3) act under exigent circumstances to protect the safety of the public or users of the Site.

(e) SALE OF INFORMATION. In order to accommodate changes in our business, we may sell or buy portions of our Company or other companies or assets, including the information collected through this Site and from orders of our product including your customer information. If Company or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, your personally identifiable information will be one of the assets transferred to the acquirer.

(f) DMCA CLAIM DISCLOSURES. We comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, better known as the “DMCA”. Should we receive a claim of copyright infringement, we will comply with the safe harbor requirements of the DMCA. Part of that compliance may require the disclosure of your identity if you are either the allegedly infringing party or the party filing the copyright infringement complaint.

The Site has reasonable security measures in place such as Secure Sockets Layer protocols to prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information that we obtain from you, but we make no assurances about our ability to prevent any such loss, misuse, to you or to any third party arising out of any such loss, misuse, or alteration.

The Site contains links to and interfaces with third party websites and online platforms. These websites and online platforms have established their own terms of use and privacy policies. You are encouraged to read those documents as we have no control over their provisions and said documents may differ greatly from our terms and privacy policy.

Beginning May 25, 2018, the processing of personal data of users in the European Union is subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).This section summarizes Blendr Media LLC’s grounds for processing personal information under the GDPR, and the rights of EU users as relates to Blendr Media LLC’s handling of personal information.

If you are a Blendr Media LLC user in the EU, you have the following rights with respect to Blendr Media LLC’s handling of your personal information. To exercise these rights, please email the Company. Users outside the EU may also request explanation, correction, deletion or copies of their personal data.

a. Explanation and copies of your data.

You have the right to request an explanation of the information that Blendr Media LLC has about you and how Blendr Media LLC uses that information. You also have the right to receive a copy of the information that Blendr Media LLC collects about you if collected on the basis of consent or because Blendr Media LLC requires the information to provide the services that you request.

b. Correction.

If Blendr Media LLC has information about you that you believe is inaccurate, you have the right to request correction of your information.

c. Deletion

Users may request deletion of their accounts at any time.

d. Objections and complaints

Users in the EU have the right to object to v’s processing of personal data, including for marketing purposes based on profiling and/or automated decision making. Blendr Media LLC may continue to process your information notwithstanding the objection to the extent permitted under GDPR.


a. The processing is necessary to provide the features and services you request

b. The processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of our users or of others

c. The processing is necessary for Blendr Media LLC’s legitimate interests

We use personal information to prevent use of our services by users who have engaged in inappropriate or dangerous behavior.

To prevent, detect and combat fraud in connection with the use of our services.

To inform law enforcement officials regarding criminal acts or threats to public safety.

To provide customer support.

To optimize our service and develop new services.

For research and analytical purposes.

For direct marketing purposes. This includes, for example, analyzing data to identify trends and tailor marketing messages to user needs.

To enforce Blendr Media LLC’s Terms of Service.

d. The processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of other persons or parties.

Blendr Media LLC collects and uses personal information to the extent necessary for the interests of other persons or the general public.

Blendr Media LLC may also process personal information when necessary in regards to a substantial public interest, on the basis of applicable laws.

e. The processing is necessary to fulfill Blendr Media LLC’s legal obligations.

Blendr Media LLC is subject to legal requirements in the jurisdictions in which it operates that require us to collect, process, disclose and retain your personal data.

Blendr Media LLC may also share information with law enforcement, or requests by third parties pursuant to legal processes.

f. Consent

Blendr Media LLC may collect and use your information on the basis of your consent. You may revoke your consent at any time. If you revoke your consent, you will not be able to use any service or feature that requires collection or use of the information we collected or used on the basis of consent.

Blendr Media LLC may also collect personal information about you through voluntary surveys. Your responses to such surveys are collected on the basis of consent, and will be deleted once no longer necessary for the purposes collected.

If you have any questions about this Policy, our practices related to this Site, please use the contact form for the Site.